
Build a customizable travel experience with our best-in-class APIs and services, such as Expedia Group's Booking API, Shopping API, and Content API.

Expedia Group Developer Hub

Expedia Group's Developer Hub helps you leverage Expedia Group's Platform and easily integrate into your booking products.

Rapid API

Build a custom end-to-end lodging booking experience with easy integration, industry-leading supply, and competitive rates.

Rapid API
Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention

Protect your business. Save money. Earn your travelers’ trust.

With the Fraud Prevention Service from Expedia Group, you can block fraudulent transactions before they happen, without impacting your traveler experience.

*Currently Invitation Only

Lodging Supply

Seamlessly connect properties to Expedia Group with our lodging services. Whether your software system manages property reservations, channel distribution, operations, or all the above, our lodging APIs will help you optimize, simplify, and automate.

Lodging Supply
Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

Scale your customer service with automated chat capabilities.

With a virtual assistant, you can improve traveler experience by giving customers access to a trusted advisor that can answer a variety of questions and respond to requests in real time. The virtual assistant can respond to inquiries related to hotel policies, dining, transportation, and housekeeping, and comes with easy self-serve options for you to add more complex features like booking changes, restaurant reservations, and more.

*Currently Invitation Only

For more information, visit the Developer Hub Site